Premium fishmeal mix created based on 3 types of flours fish (sardines, LT94 and Prediger), along with nutritional fluids and special flavor squid & octopus with plum, gave birth CORBU PREMIUM bait baits big attraction with spectacular results. PREMIUM CORBU range has been used for sensor Lake Corbu team in 2012 where the Romanian national team came world champion.
Baits are recommended long fishing parties, in particular on fishing or fishing lure bed planted.
Nadi can stick with the nadir, nadir or spomb racket, but can be used in soluble sachets.
Вакви има и SBS, има и Dynamite Baits и уште неколку производители.
Ние може да направиме топива боила, но Ицо е во право...не топива со солидна. За тоа е потребно многу.