
Zig Rig
Страна 1825

АвторCOLON  MaximJaki [Пет Дек 27, 2013 2:55 pm ]
Наслов на мислењетоCOLON  Re: Zig Rig

а највеќе има длабоки и чисти од риба :D

АвторCOLON  JaneMK [Пет Дек 27, 2013 5:36 pm ]
Наслов на мислењетоCOLON  Re: Zig Rig

A be eden den me nema I napukavte milion strani :D :D

ima fluorocarbon I jas go imam od nash zig line.

kolku sto znam poslednive svetski nisto nenaptavija na zig a I na ligata.za da praktikuvas zig kako sto napisa sasoj treba voda bez hrana napadnata od ribari.citaj komercijala.toa kaj nas go nema.
tocno e ico ima vodi ama namesto da bega gore koga e napadnat ke bega u sredina na300 metri I pak na dno :D :D

fakajte si so toa sto znaete a toa sto nezaete praksirajte go ama tamu kade sto treba,0 ili edna riba na zig neznaci deka raboti

АвторCOLON  Boris [Нед Сеп 28, 2014 11:04 pm ]
Наслов на мислењетоCOLON  Re: Zig Rig

закон тема

АвторCOLON  JaneMK [Пон Oкт 27, 2014 8:56 pm ]
Наслов на мислењетоCOLON  Re: Zig Rig

Kryston ZiGi
New buoyant Zig bait made from real bait ingredients. Highly flavoured each bait emits real food signals and scents. Its unique malleable putty formula allows you to mould it to your desired shape and once immersed in water forms a firm hard skin that successfully resist the attentions of small nuisance fish.
ZiGi's range of contrasting ingredients, colours and flavours have proved to be highly successful on waters where due to overuse foam baits have rapidly become less effective resulting in diminishing returns.
ZiGi breathes new life into an already proven method, different colour combinations each with their own unique ingredients and flavours discharge real bait signals and have proved to make a significant difference when tested against artificials.
Once moulded around the shank or on a 'hair' you can further increase its natural attraction by creating a new look, a simple task that can be made in seconds. By inserting short sections of soft or hard coloured nylon into the body you can instantly make legs, feelers or antenna to create a very buggy effect. Short sections of waste material from coated braids make excellent flexible insect appendages when the edible putty is formed around them and will remain in place even during the hardest cast.
With this excellent new zig bait the only limit is the extent of your imagination and those with creative minds now have a whole new world of zig fishing to discover. The combinations seem endless, mixing different varieties of ZiGi will reward you with a highly visual bait with contrasting colours and scents making your bait stand out from the crowd and being totally unique.
• Real bait ingredients. Real food signals.
• Real scent leak off. Contrasting colour range.
• Easy to mould and shape. Easy to apply.
• Hardens in water to resists nuisance fish.
• Superb range of proven flavours.
• Make your own bugs in seconds.
• Use different varieties to form two tone baits.
• Dual combinations leak off two flavours.
Available in the following flavours: Stinky Fish, Garlic & Hemp, Hot Dog, Pineapple & N'Butyric.

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АвторCOLON  ТафТабиТ [Пон Oкт 27, 2014 9:17 pm ]
Наслов на мислењетоCOLON  Re: Zig Rig

Кој го измисли у д... го гаѓам :(

АвторCOLON  Krki [Пон Oкт 27, 2014 9:22 pm ]
Наслов на мислењетоCOLON  Re: Zig Rig

Moderator si ne ti lici....Ama jas se priklucuvam kon cestitkata,,,,

АвторCOLON  JaneMK [Пон Oкт 27, 2014 9:26 pm ]
Наслов на мислењетоCOLON  Re: Zig Rig

Dogodina da bidete spremni.Ona pineapleto bi go zemal :lepi: :lepi: :lepi: :lepi:

АвторCOLON  ТафТабиТ [Пон Oкт 27, 2014 10:20 pm ]
Наслов на мислењетоCOLON  Re: Zig Rig

Ако и Шпанија се пеца зигириги ич не ни планирам ;)

АвторCOLON  Keltan [Пет Oкт 30, 2015 12:29 am ]
Наслов на мислењетоCOLON  Re: Zig Rig

Илчо НапишиCOLON
Go otupivte so gluposti i posle se cudite zosto pomalku luge pisuvaat.
Ovdeka imas 17 strani biseri :D Niti eden od niv nema fateno krapce na zig . I sto ti vredat ovie 17 strani ? Ne e bitno kolku lujge pisuvaat ...bitno e STO pisuvaat :shake_hand:

A i ovdeka masala ...20 strani fluorokarboni :D


АвторCOLON  martinMK [Пет Oкт 30, 2015 12:35 am ]
Наслов на мислењетоCOLON  Re: Zig Rig

Грешка си јас имам преку 15 фатено :)
Некако нафуран си денов.. Како што ти не се фалиш така има и останати кој не се фалат ниту се маваат во гради.. а тоа изгледа тебе ти е мерило за кој колку фатил..

На stripers online тони и тони е испонапишано од секакви фаци за секаква опрема па не ги кудип таму.. тоа дека американци се или?

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