Вистинска животиња...штета што немаме моженост да осетиме и пробаме...
http://www.angelzentrale-herrieden.de/s ... p-Rod.html
The rod series Tribal XS1 is the result of extensive testing, which open into one of the thinnest, but superbly responsive carp rod that is available today. A new technology has enabled Shimano to build a rod that snaps back after the throw directly into the initial position, achieved enormous casting distances and an unprecedented Drill provides fun. A powerful Blank and the role holder combine strength and lightness. Visually, it stands out from other rod series. For throwing specialists two special Intensity versions are offered, which far distances are possible. With the Intensity rods and their 3.75 lb are in the right hands throwing distances up to 200 meters possible!